Welcome to Church for Monday.
Church for Monday book poses an urgent question: “Is the Christian church in North America ready to take on the transformation challenge and enter the marketplace to innovate, love and live on mission?” It encourages believers to act in an entrepreneurial manner and partner with God in his work in the world.
This type of church, called Church for Monday, has grown in the awareness that as the gap between practicing Christians and the unchurched has dangerously widened, the 8-to-5 window (the work day), has become an important mission field, because at work is where the majority of the people spend the most of their waking hours.
Ready to take the next step? You can purchase your copy, signed by the author, directly from our website (in stock) today!
Many followers of Jesus are perplexed as to what it looks like to "be the church" in the marketplace. This episode of iWork4Him will rejuvenate you and breathe a new level of passion into your work and/or business. It’s changing everything you think about church. Click below to Listen to this Podcast Interview with Dr. Svetlana Papazov about “Church for Monday”.
Real Life Talks 03 07 2021. Special guest is Mike Henry Sr. CEO of Follower of One
Friends, are you sitting in a church pew on Sunday and are wondering about your vocational place on Monday? Then join me for our Real Life Talks in the morning. You’ll hear answers to questions you’ve always had and wanted to know. Hope will infuse you for your tomorrow and you’ll begin to see your workplace as your God-assigned-mission field on Monday. Watch the Video below!
Here are the First Reviews
“This is one of the best and most enjoyable reads I have had in the past few years! Author Svetlana Papazov’s energy, charisma, and endless ideas and insights almost knocked me over while reading!”
David W. Gill Executive Director
You can read the full review Here
“Church for Monday is a breakthrough book for ministry leaders willing to take innovative risks to reach their communities, and a must-read for anyone who longs to see the Good News reach beyond Sunday Church into a waiting, 7-day-a-week world.”
- Dr. Jodi Detrick www.JodiDetrick.com
“Church for Monday is a book that will awaken your imagination and ignite a passion in your heart to close the gap between faith and work. This book will help you see the people you interact with each day as more than just casual acquaintances, but as those whom God has placed in your life to experience His love.”
– Jeff Greer, Senior Pastor, Grace Chapel, Mason, OH www.Grace-Chapel.com
It’s Here
Ready to take the next step? The book is available today from our online bookstore!
“Dr. Svetlana Papazov understands the intersection and deep interconnectedness of Faith and Work. Her Church for Monday will equip men and women to walk out their faith and bind their Bibles in leather...shoe leather.”
– Dr. Scott Camp, Author, Educator, Evangelist and Host of “The Conversation” with Scott Camp, Arlington, TX www.ScottCamp.org