Translating the Gospel in Everyday Life

A Real-Life Story with Jamie Elizabeth

I work at a small gym as a group fitness instructor, and I encounter many women having conversations about things going on in their life. One woman explained to me that her marriage was crumbling due to her husband's job loss, and the lack of finances was causing turmoil. 

She proceeded to share that her husband had a job interview that day and was hoping this was the solution they needed. Immediately, I felt the move of the Holy Spirit, pursuing me right then and there to pray with her without hesitation. I gently said to her, "I would like to pray for you."

 As tears rolled down her cheeks, she nodded and buried her face in a sweaty workout towel. It was as if God had given her a supernatural release to let go and let Him. I began to pray and speak life into their situation.

God's power, at work, shifted the atmosphere and His presence was tangible. There was no fancy verbiage in the prayer, just a simple ask and a faithful thank you to God for changing her circumstance. Afterward, we hugged and exchanged cell phone numbers to keep in touch.

That prompting by the Holy Spirit and my action to pray out loud in a public place forever changed me.

Fear vs Faith

I remember when I felt utterly unqualified and inadequate to pray out loud. It was a fear I allowed to hold me back until I began to better understand my relationship with Jesus.

I would pray silently in my alone time with Him. It wasn't until I found myself in a women's bible study that the desire to pray for others began to stir in me. I couldn't help but be filled with deep compassion within as I saw broken hearts in desperate need for something bigger than themselves, a savior Jesus, to heal them. I wanted them to know that through Jesus name, we have authority in our prayers to get us through the mire.  But to participate with God, I needed Him to push me through what was holding me back.

Tucked inside my fear was insecurity and comparison with people's prayers, particularly those who could interweave scripture in without skipping a beat. Anxiety had entrenched itself into my life, and I wanted nothing more than for it to be quickly gone; God had a plan.

I believe God wanted me to gradually grow and witness His power each time I exercised faith to pray with people. It seemed the more I prayed, regardless of my fear, the more I felt released from the enemy's stronghold over me. I could begin to see God molding me into that bold, beckoning light for Him. This preparation for me, happening inside the church bible study was God's way of implementing His plan for me in my everyday life.

Translating the Gospel for Unchurched Communities

Later that evening, I received a follow up text from her. She enthusiastically thanked me and expressed how amazed she was over my prayer becoming her immediate reality. Not only did her husband get the job, but his interview had been at the same time we were praying together at the gym.  I couldn't help but think, what if I ignored the Holy Spirit and chose not to pray?  I would have missed out on witnessing God's miracle happening in this woman's life. 

 Our response to love others is from God first loving us. His perfect love drives out fear, and when we obey His Word instead of listening to feelings, it gives us the freedom to be courageous prayer warriors.

By sharing the testimony of what God has done in our lives, it reveals God's power to overcome evil. When we respond to God’s love by praying for one another and professing His truth, we align our hearts with His. Our prayers become powerful armor to battle against whatever the enemy tries to throw our way. Pray with anyone, anytime, anywhere.


1 John 4:18-19 says, "Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love's perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts. Whoever constantly walks afraid of punishment has not reached love's perfection. Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us."

If only we could be intentional anytime and anywhere we would see how to partake in God's plan. He is at work in our lives, and as His ambassadors, we are called to get rid of anything entangling us and come humbly before Him; shedding off pride, embarrassment or discomfort and praying on the spot, even in our workplace. Prayer is not just for Sunday's, it is for everyday of our lives.

Prayer is our way of partnering with God by aligning with him.  When our hearts are aligned with God, we have the chance to see Him change situations.  When situations and circumstances are changed we now have a story to share with those around us that will help them understand the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ.

Have you allowed fear and discomfort to prevent you from showing the gospel to people in your community?  

Jayme Elizabeth is a writer and a host of the She Speaks Life Podcast.  Jayme has a passion for teaching and inspiring women to grow in God's word. She values the authenticity of God Stories (testimonies) that help us know and develop deeper relationships with God.